A collaboration between three wholly unique players that serves to reinforce the Denmark-India musical relationship in these unprecedented times, Digital Dancefloors will take place over four weekends beginning October 17 and lasting until early November.
With the continuing embargo on physical events around the world and varying levels of uncertainty about the future of live music, online gatherings are now the de-facto method of live music consumption for most. Unsurprisingly, myriad online events have also dedicated themselves to burgeoning conversations around the present and future of music.
In both India and Denmark, social distancing rules have forced events online, with event organizers rushing to recreate some of the magic of live experiences in the digital domain. Crucially though, women and non-binary DJs are still underrepresented in these spaces, setting them further back in an already male-dominated industry. Digital Dancefloors is but one small remedial measure in the hope to inspire many more in this nature and spirit.
In recent months, boxout.fm has continued to deliver 24/7 high-quality independent radio programming to audiences around the world. Continuing its music-first mission, the New Delhi-based online radio station has joined hands with Copenhagen-based non-profit organisation and booking agency Future Female Sounds for a series of online events.
The series will comprise four DJ and VJ sessions, featuring DJs from India and Denmark handpicked by Future Female Sounds and boxout.fm in addition to a series of talks with womxn artists sharing their perspectives on gendered politics in the music industry, working as musicians through a pandemic, and what it takes to DJ.
The DJ sets will be matched with uniquely designed visuals to create a cultural trip away from the present, while the series of conversations will look to strengthen intercultural dialogue between the two countries. Digital Dancefloors will take place on global music platform Mixcloud.
Digital Dancefloors is being helped from the ground-up by the Danish Culture Institute India, who have voiced their support for boxout.fm in the past and continue to bridge Denmark and India through music, art and culture.